Machu Picchu Rainbows

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My First Angel Therapy Session

Bright and early on Monday morning July 13, 2009 I received a call from Russell Forsyth (  He was ready to conduct my very first Angel Therapy Session from his home in Austin, TX.  I was excited and nervous, but most of all I was hoping this would help me get through the terrible emotions & feelings of "darkness" I was experiencing with my pregnancy.  I was only 10 1/2 weeks along and starting to question if I had made the right decision to bring a child into this world.

We began the session by Russell connecting with his guides and asking for a preview.  Next, he performed a chakra test to look for blocks.  He then asked his guides to show him my internal energy, more specifically - past lives, karmic energy & concrete blocks.  After that, he asked about my external energy, more specifically - thought forms, attachments & spirit attachments.  He received hits on the following - Indigo energy, past lives and 3 spirit attachments.  While discussing the hit on Indigo energy, he was told that I need to control my temper and passions.  I was currently going through a time of great transformation and needed to give and receive more hugs for a deeper heart connection.  As we discussed what he saw when testing my chakras, he indicated that my Root Chakra was blocked, my Solar Plexus Chakra was having issues, my Heart Chakra was showing resistance, and my Third Eye Chakra was blocked.  Next, he asked me on a scale of 0 - 10, what was my willingness level of releasing the 3 spirit attachments.  I said, "10"!  He then asked the spirits directly if they were willing to release.  #'s 1 and 2 said "no", but # 3 said "yes".

The Seven Major Chakras

Meditation time was next.  I will tell this part as it played out in my minds eye.

Russell asked me to go to a quiet, dark room and lay on the floor.  As soon as I got comfortable, he started some calm, peaceful music and began his guided meditation.  This began with me being surrounded by loving beings and he guided me to visualize a spinning lotus flower completely engulfed by the color purple.  As Archangel Michael entered he lovingly patted me on the head and surrounded me in a pillar of light.  Doorways formed at the top of the pillar and Archangel Michael began calling for ancestors of my spirit attachments to come forward.  The doors opened and an older couple, multiple children and # 3's sister came forward.  Several discussions began, asking the spirits to go into the light.  Their resistance was strong, so Archangel Michael called in a male and female ascended master, Mother Mary and Jesus with golden arcs of light to aid in the discussion.  They were helping to inform the spirits that this was their time to move forward.  The group began to form rainbow bridges of ascension leading to the etheric space and # 3 chose to leave with a wave and an apology for any disruption he may have caused me.  He showed gratitude for my service and released all sadness and regret he had in his life.  Both #'s 1 & 2 presented themselves in armor, indicating that they were warrior Indigo spirits who were reluctant to move on.  They informed us that they were brothers who experienced tremendous suffering at the hand of their mother.  An intense negotiation began as they were surrounded by light and love.  The brothers were unwilling to detach from me because they hoped to witness the seed of life and experience birth and childhood from a positive perspective through my child.  Because they lived horrible, short lives and were confused and unsure about death, they were being shown intense love, a lightness of spirit and playful colors.  Accepting this gift and looking back long enough to blow me kisses and say goodbye, they began to journey along the rainbow bridge.  Upon closure of all 3 spirits choosing to ascend, Archangel Michael began viewing my aura and energy and showed me a very tall stack of past lives, upon which I was standing at the very top.  He asked me not to relive any of my past lives as my karma was completely balanced when entering this life.  "No need to relive old pain and suffering.", as he put it.  He told me that I am moving towards my life purpose and even though it isn't clearly defined at this time, I am very grounded and have the ability to cut through negativity easily.  This is one of my primary gifts.  He indicated that I am very creative and should try to focus my full energy towards one project at a time.  My creativity is so broad and I have so many great talents that at times it's hard to choose just one.  Archangel Michael asked me to take this opportunity to focus all my energy on my child and teach him through example how to live our divine purpose and follow our passion & creative flow.  He told me that because of my energy, I am a natural counselor to friends, family and strangers alike and that I have a strong connection to the divine spirit through claircognizance and clairvoyance.  I was shown that when I seek answers from the heart I look to my higher self for answers and in doing so, I need to keep my throat chakra clear by singing or chanting so I can access my third eye and crown chakras clearly.  He told me that I need to continue to verbally express truth with courage and conviction because this is very healing for me.  I must feel no fear when expressing myself, because the information I share with others is divinely guided and it is up to the recipient to determine how to process it.  Next, Archangel Michael sent a beam of light into my third eye chakra and straight through my occipital lobe.  He asked to help me change my old patterns and release all that no longer benefits me.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Raphael entered next and began healing my heart chakra with emerald green light.  He indicated that I have strong healing abilities within me.  "The worst is behind me", he reiterated this over and over again.  He asked me to look for the blessings and find gratitude in my daily life in order to excel and reach my path of spiritual advancement that I seek.  Commending me on the amount of work I have already done in this lifetime, he showed me the image of a mountain and reminded me that the last 10% is the hardest part, but the result and endless rewards are more than worth the lifetime of effort.  Archangel Raphael said that I have a lot of powerful gifts and I should embrace them with open arms as he filled my solar plexus chakra with golden sunlight.  He looked into my sacral chakra and acknowledged all of the introspection and personal development that I have worked on in this life.  Next, he looked into my root chakra and saw a deep passion and strong drive resonating in all of my past lives.  He noted that I have always experienced life at key places and moments in history, playing an ongoing role in the vital evolution of mankind.  Archangel Raphael wanted me to know that I have the power to change the world and that I alone carry my responsibility.  Without fear and reservations I will be able to serve all of mankind the most.

Archangel Raphael

Both Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael worked together to balance my energy work and showed me the symbol of the yin and yang.  At that moment, Archangel Metatron sent a message to me reminding me that he is a strong partner for me on my life path and that I should ask him for assistance whenever I seek guidance.  He indicated that he works through my claircognizance and that all I need is trust in the divine source to receive answers.

Visions of multiple Ascended Masters began to appear showing their respect.  These were alliances that I have formed through past lives, most notably of whom are Kuan Yin, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Ganesh & Babaji.  They wanted to remind me to listen to my dreams because they are divinely guided by clairvoyance.

That was the conclusion of my meditation.

Russell gave me a few minutes to get up from the floor and refocus on the present.  He then began to explain that he likes to pull 3 cards from an Oracle Deck at the beginning of a session, but leave them face down until the end.  Now was the time to reveal the cards.  He told me that he had chosen the Magical Memaids and Dolphins Deck for my reading.

These were my cards...
  • Alchemy - You have the Midas touch right now, and every project you begin turns to gold.
  • Break Free - Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn.
  • Protection - You, your loved ones, and your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven!

We had a brief discussion about these cards and how they each pertain to my current situation. In conclusion, Russell wanted to remind me that our guides are here to assist us, but they cannot help unless we call upon them.  This request is a showing in strength of character, not a weakness.  Names or specifics are not necessary, just an intention and gratitude for the help will bring forth the appropriate guide to our side.

With warm regards and many thanks, Russell and I ended our conversation.

A complete sense of "WOW" was the intense emotion I was experiencing as I sat on the couch replaying the session in my mind, over and over again.  I was looking forward to feeling the benefits from the spirit attachment and chakra clearing.  So hopeful that my pregnancy would begin to feel less alien.

To be continued...

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